Friday, May 31, 2013

Curratory of Kim Yee-Seul's Adidas Girl and Van Gogh's Sun Flower

         Beautiful and stunning figure of a black-haired girl wearing Adidas, bowing her head as if she buries abundant of sorrow in her heart, is somehow contrasted from that Vincent Van Gogh's Sun Flower painted beside her.  Joy and happiness spark from it. Red, yellow, and green are perfect combination to express that nature can also be fused with dynamic life of a modern girl.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Indonesian English-Media's E-mail

1. The Jakarta Post

2. Jakarta Globe

3. Kangguru Magazine and Radio

4. Inside Indonesia 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sonya Aresta: The Struggling Identity

                Society may find it hard to accept them, but they exist, and they live.

Honestly speaking, I’m new to this topic related to LGBT (acronym of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender).  When I first heard the term, I asked my friend “What is that?”, and she answered “It’s acronym of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender”.  I asked her once more “What is that?”, and she replied “A community”. Hearing her answer, I was like ‘wow! Is there really something like that?’. I have been staying in the safe zone all of my life, and I know how people around me usually underestimate them due to social norms and religion reasons. When mbak Abmi invited mbak Sonya to our class last Monday, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to see them from different perspective.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Movie Review: Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic? (2010)

"You meet someone for the first time and everywhere you go, there's that person. That's what it was for me with plastic bags--they're everywhere!"-Jeb Berrier (Bag It, 2010)

Basically, I never thought that plastic can be as harmful as any killing weapon, but this “Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic?” (2010) film changed my opinion at all.