Saturday, May 11, 2013

Movie Review: Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic? (2010)

"You meet someone for the first time and everywhere you go, there's that person. That's what it was for me with plastic bags--they're everywhere!"-Jeb Berrier (Bag It, 2010)

Basically, I never thought that plastic can be as harmful as any killing weapon, but this “Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic?” (2010) film changed my opinion at all.
This film exposes on how people use plastic excessively and this habit eventually leads to enormous environmental damage that most of them do not realize. Jeb Berrier, the host of this documentary film, shows us how our daily use of plastic that we may consider as ‘not much’ is actually responsible for the great damage on earth’s ecology system. One person might only use a few plastic every day, but when the rate is timed with the total people in this world times certain range of time, the result is really jaw-dropping. One million plastic cups used on U.S airline flights every six hours. Two millions plastic bottles consumed in U.S every 5 minutes. Terrifying!! How much plastics have been accumulated on this earth? How much percent it has took part of our beloved planet?  A thought came into my mind at that time “So, this world is made of plastic?”. How scary it is, to see the only planet we can live has been contaminated by those unable-to-decompose materials. Of course the impact is not only on the ecology balance, but also on the beings life and health.  To mention some in the documentary is the death of some fishes caused by plastic trash in the intestine and the death of several birds caused by plastic bottle.
Jeb Berrier does not only provide the statistics, but also some interviews with the experts about the impact of excessive plastic use. I think this is what makes this documentary film should be appraised. A lot of experts’ opinions are included in the documentary to strengthen the message, making us believe how these little things that we usually put aside actually can be as dangerous as nuclear. It kills the world slowly. It is everywhere!! On the wrap, bottle, cup, box, plate, fork, etc. That’s why we have to reduce the use of plastic by using the same plastic many times, bring our own bag to put things we buy, and do not litter it everywhere.

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