Friday, June 7, 2013

(Editing) "He" is Beautiful

Every Monday, I always have creative writing class. However, the last two meetings my lecturer, Mas Dalih, could not give lesson for us as he has been in Bali for the important thing. Even though he was absent, he has sent her friend, Mbak Abmi, as the substitute teachers in his class. Actually, Mbak Abmi ever came to the class as the guest. Then, when she taught us in the first time, she played a movie “Bag It” as I’ve reviewed previously. On last Monday, she came in to class not by herself but she brought a guest. Actually, this guest is beautiful. She has long hair, pointed nose, and proportional body. She sat at the corner of the class. I talked to my friend this guest is beautiful but rather strange. Then I asked her if this guest girl or boy. Yet, she said this guest seems female.

Last Monday creative writing class was a bit unusual one since mas Dalih was absent due to his bussiness in Bali, and mbak Abmi—the temporary substitute lecturer—brought a guest as an interviewee to the class. This guest is fairly beautiful with long hair, a pointed nose, and proportional body. When she sat at the corner of the class, I said to my friend that this guest is beautiful yet a bit unusual. I asked my friend if this guest is male or female, and she said that the guest might be a female.