Thursday, February 21, 2013

A little piece of ...

A-yo GG! Lemme introduce myself. Here comes Bela, whoo~ follow me!! :D

                 Hello my fellas! I gotta tell you that this is not my first time blogging because I already have FIVE OTHER BLOGS that you will never know.Hahaha. Sounds freak, right?  I didn’t make those blogs for nothing of course, but they don’t give me anything as well-_-

                By and by the way, this is my first blog dedicated to my real life. Hmm, I mean academic life. The creative writing class requires the students to have blogs, so I made one. Why don’t I use one of those blogs I already have? The answer is simple and very general (I just knew that there were some of my friends who felt the same). The posts on my other blogs are too embarassing to be exposed under my real personal ID. Or is it only me who is unconfident with my way of thinking? Well, maybe both, maybe none of both :p

                  I don’t really have a reason why I named this blog deeranduniverse. Deer and Universe.  What things that connect both of them? What is being symbolized by this relationship?? Well, don’t think it seriously because this name certainly doesn’t contain any great phylosophical wisdom. I chose deer because it resembles someone out there I admire, and universe just sounds glorious to me. Deer and Universe. deeranduniverse. Lalalaaa~


  1. I know what you did there :3

  2. Bela you are a total freak.... Congratulation! (•̀_•́)ง
    Follow me anywaayyy~

    1. hahahah. Thank you thank you~
      Ummm, honestly...I don't know how to follow u^^'v
      I'm not used to this domain, I clicked your profile, but I can't find the 'follow alia' button-_-'
