Friday, March 15, 2013

A Dialogue through the Wind

Me       : Good morning, cloud. How are you today?

Cloud  : Not awesome, girl. I got to pour rain frequently as the weather is very hot lately.

Me       : It’s good then. Why do you look sad?

Cloud  : Good? What’s good about shattering yourself into raindrops and scattered apart by the wind?

Me       : But that’s the point God creates you. To be shattered when the earth needs rain.
Humans love you, cloud. You bring us rain. You cover the hot sunlight from us.

Cloud  : And even if I do it, there are still people who will hate me, girl. I once heard a man said that I brought laziness to him. How could that be? Does it even make sense? When did I bring laziness to human?

Me       : Haaa~ Ignore that kind of human being, Cloud. You don’t bring him laziness, but he himself is the laziness. Sometimes, we human can’t connect things correctly and randomly blaming something on something else. We make excuses to cover our faults.  Believe me Cloud, our attitude is not flawless.

Cloud  : But you human have brains, right? I wonder why some of you can act foolishly when you have brains inside your bloody hard skull. Honestly, I envy you. I envy human who are able to step their feet on the earth surface. How does it feel to stand among millions people? How does it feel to have brain, and heart, and laugh, and lungs? You can eat, you can drink. You can sleep, you can dream. God gives you everything, but He gives me nothing.

Me       : Stop it, Cloud. Don’t complaint about your life because we human sometimes are also jealous to you. God placed you very high up to the sky. You can travel all over the world without having to spend a lot of money. You watch almost every single thing happens on this earth. You must be peaceful up there.

Cloud  : Peaceful? Lonely is the right term, I guess. I feel like being out casted from the world’s frenetic.

Me       : Frenetic? This world is a mess. It’s rotten. You don’t know how dangerous it is to live here. Crimes are everywhere. Disaster, hunger, war, conflict. Do you want to face that?

Cloud  : But still, you have friends. You have family. You are able to conduct various things. While me? Nothing but to stand still here, in the middle of emptiness.

Me       : Well, cloud. It seems like we are not satisfied of what God has given to us. I envy you, you envy me. Why don’t we thank Him for every single mercy He puts on our life instead? You enjoy your life, and I will enjoy mine. What do you think?

Cloud  : Now that you say it, I feel embarrassed of myself. Yes, you’re right, girl. I’m not satisfied of my life, and I keep asking for everything without realizing that I have a lot of things that other creatures envy of. Let’s stop this complain and thank Him for giving us this merciful life.

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