Saturday, March 2, 2013

[Creative Writing] A Little Piece of My Story

        Firstly, let me tell you that this is going to be a very long, plain and boring story with no prologue, climax nor ending.  I won’t beg you to read until the very last word, so please just click the x button right away when you find this dull and monotonous because this is an ordinary story of an ordinary girl from an ordinary family. Nothing alluring. Nothing inspiring.

       Well, I think mentioning character’s name is the most insipid part of every story, so I will just skip it and tell you how I began my life. I was born on April 19, 1993. My mom is a teacher, and my dad is an air-force.  I went to kindergarten when I was only 3,5 years old, an age when I was supposed to  play dolls at home and enjoy playing with friends.  The worst part of my childhood was I got a very bad illness like fever and flu every week—the very bad ones, and could only be cured at a certain clinique (RIP to my childhood doctor. May God bless him always). My Dad frequently went to another city because of his job, so it was my Mom who always took me to the doctor. So, guess what that caused me very weak at that time?

Because I wanted to got school

Because I wanted to start my formal study soon.

My lil sister and me :D

          What’s wrong with me at that time? I didn’t even know why I should be so interested in joining formal study when I could spend all the day at home watching my favorite kids program. This question remains unanswerable to me, but I would like to tell you proudly that I was able to read a long complete sentence at the age of 3,5 years. That was the only reason why the kindergarten headmaster accepted me.

          Now, let’s leave the kindergarten days and jump to elementary school. I was the thinnest, shortest, and youngest among my friends, so that’s why they used to call me ‘Dek Bela’. I got bullied easily, but I bullied them back. A lot of boys in my class were afraid of me because I liked to hit their backs hardly and mercilessly (LOL). I was so cruel, right? But don’t take it seriously, because we didn’t really fight that made us enemies or what. The real enemy I had in elementary school was my junior. She was a bit fatter and taller than me, of course she had a bigger energy too. I forgot why we fought each other, but whenever we met in the corridor, we always punched each other, kicked, and even pulled each other’s hair. That was really crazy. I hated her, she hated me. We never had a nice relationship in our life up till now, but thanks God I never met her. I can’t imagine how awkward we will be because the last moment I had with her was a very bad fight involving our parents. It was during the Monday ceremony when both of us accidentally stayed in the classrooms and did not join the activity. She suddenly came to me and scratched my face, so I slammed the door at her arm until she cried very hard. It was a big issue in my school. But thanks God, the teachers were in my side because they knew that my junior was the real trouble maker. Later in the afternoon, my Daddy came to her house angrily and demanded for their apology. Of course they apologized, and after that, she was always afraid to see me. Haha.

           I don’t want to tell you about my middle school days because it is kind of boring. Nothing happened but to see a bunch of sexy girls hanged around to seduce boys. As an early teenager, I wanted to be one of them. I mean, what is better than being beautiful and famous among other students? But as I grew older, my perspective changed.

Student Orientation Week :)

 I entered a national reference school and met a lot of amazing friends whose intelligence motivated me a lot. I was not even comparable to them. I was not confident.  What I got in my early high school years were only bad marks and bad marks, but it didn’t decay my mettle to achieve my dream. Oh well, what was my dream? I didn’t have one. I hadn’t decided what I wanted to be. I was aimless. Whenever my Mom asked my goal, I felt like mentally tortured because she didn’t even give me satisfying knowledge about jobs. What she told me were only teacher-nurse-midwife and whatever it was which already common in my hometown. It was sickening. I thought I could do and be better than those people, why didn’t she understand me? Why should I be one of those ordinaries? When I told her I wanted to enter UGM, she said that it would be extremely difficult because there would be gazillion rivals from Sabang to Merauke. She even told my aunt about my decision, telling her that she was afraid of seeing me falling down. It was really frustrating u_u

But thanks God, You made it happen!!  

       On my 17th birthday, I received an sms from UGM telling me that I was accepted in this English department. Terrific!! Terrific!! My Dad and Mom kissed me like I was a kid, and hugged me contentedly. It was another one shot to achieve my dream. So here I am now, studying in this giant university, never giving up to be better and better for my parents.  God blesses me. Amin.

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