Friday, March 15, 2013

A Letter to A Dear Writer Out There

           Hello mbak Dina, it’s really nice to have a chance to communicate with you through this letter. I have read your story and I got to admit that I immediately admire your success in dealing those problems. Don’t be sad. Don’t regret your life because what called as a life is when you must go through pain to gain. It is when you understand what happiness is after tasting the bitterness. Ah, but there is no need to define what life is because as you spend time to define, life keeps going on.

         I agree with you. Learning to respond to every single thing comes to our life is very important. Just by doing so, we don’t lose anything. But time flies really fast, moments become memories. We eventually have to lose something, to pass the moments, whether it is bad or good. In your case, you have passed a fairly rough time in your life, and you don’t lose your chance to learn. It’s great then. I believe that you know the meaning of life more than me, more than those whose life is only fulfilled with happiness and euphoria.

          But, well, is there even a person whose life is like that? No one, of course. Everyone hides loneliness inside his/her heart. Just like you who craves for your parents love, I seek for my parents trust to manage my own life. I seek for existence, where I can be useful for everyone and not being useless. And just like you again, I learn to resolve this loneliness through writing. I like writing. When I was only ten, I finished a full book of fairy tale which of course is not really original because my naive mind was influenced by those Cinderella and Snow White stories. Writing becomes a part of my life. I can put myself into it, into the plot, and at the same time I can control the whole story. Writing means creating my world. My very own world. Whenever I write, I feel like having the whole galaxy inside my head, inside my skull. I haven’t finished a single book yet, but I have published numerous fanfictions on internet, and it received great responses from readers.

           But writing is not simple. Not only we got to have great knowledge and a lot vocabularies, but also we have to be realistic. Because unrealistic person makes unrealistic story, and unrealistic story will remain nothing for the readers.

             Lastly, I hope we have another chance to share our passion in writing. Have a happy life and see you J

Yogyakarta, 15 March 2013

Nabila Muliawati

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