Friday, June 7, 2013

(Editing) "He" is Beautiful

Every Monday, I always have creative writing class. However, the last two meetings my lecturer, Mas Dalih, could not give lesson for us as he has been in Bali for the important thing. Even though he was absent, he has sent her friend, Mbak Abmi, as the substitute teachers in his class. Actually, Mbak Abmi ever came to the class as the guest. Then, when she taught us in the first time, she played a movie “Bag It” as I’ve reviewed previously. On last Monday, she came in to class not by herself but she brought a guest. Actually, this guest is beautiful. She has long hair, pointed nose, and proportional body. She sat at the corner of the class. I talked to my friend this guest is beautiful but rather strange. Then I asked her if this guest girl or boy. Yet, she said this guest seems female.

Last Monday creative writing class was a bit unusual one since mas Dalih was absent due to his bussiness in Bali, and mbak Abmi—the temporary substitute lecturer—brought a guest as an interviewee to the class. This guest is fairly beautiful with long hair, a pointed nose, and proportional body. When she sat at the corner of the class, I said to my friend that this guest is beautiful yet a bit unusual. I asked my friend if this guest is male or female, and she said that the guest might be a female.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Curratory of Kim Yee-Seul's Adidas Girl and Van Gogh's Sun Flower

         Beautiful and stunning figure of a black-haired girl wearing Adidas, bowing her head as if she buries abundant of sorrow in her heart, is somehow contrasted from that Vincent Van Gogh's Sun Flower painted beside her.  Joy and happiness spark from it. Red, yellow, and green are perfect combination to express that nature can also be fused with dynamic life of a modern girl.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Indonesian English-Media's E-mail

1. The Jakarta Post

2. Jakarta Globe

3. Kangguru Magazine and Radio

4. Inside Indonesia 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sonya Aresta: The Struggling Identity

                Society may find it hard to accept them, but they exist, and they live.

Honestly speaking, I’m new to this topic related to LGBT (acronym of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender).  When I first heard the term, I asked my friend “What is that?”, and she answered “It’s acronym of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender”.  I asked her once more “What is that?”, and she replied “A community”. Hearing her answer, I was like ‘wow! Is there really something like that?’. I have been staying in the safe zone all of my life, and I know how people around me usually underestimate them due to social norms and religion reasons. When mbak Abmi invited mbak Sonya to our class last Monday, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to see them from different perspective.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Movie Review: Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic? (2010)

"You meet someone for the first time and everywhere you go, there's that person. That's what it was for me with plastic bags--they're everywhere!"-Jeb Berrier (Bag It, 2010)

Basically, I never thought that plastic can be as harmful as any killing weapon, but this “Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic?” (2010) film changed my opinion at all.

Friday, April 26, 2013

SIA-SIA by Chairil Anwar


Penghabisan kali itu kau datang

Membawaku kembang berkarang

Mawar merah dan melati putih
Darah dan Suci
Kau tebarkan depanku
Serta pandang yang memastikan: untukmu.

Lalu kita sama termangu
Saling bertanya: apakah ini?
Cinta? Kita berdua tak mengerti

Sehari kita bersama. Tak hampir-menghampiri
Ah! Hatiku yang tak mau memberi
Mampus kau dikoyak-koyak sepi.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Choco Cheese Pancake with Ice Cream: The Best Food to Boost Up My Mood

This is not an expensive nor exclusive food, but its taste can always boost up my mood.

Yes, it is a chococheese pancake served with one or two scoops of any flavor ice cream in which I will never say never. The taste is so ummm... yummy~

The first time I ate it was three years ago, during my college orientation days which I didn't enjoy at all. It was tiring and somehow boring, so after the activities were over, my friends and I went to  Pancake Company in Jalan Sagan. I initially didn't like cheese because it smells a bit annoying to me, but my friend insisted to order two chococheese pancakes and pursued me to try what I have always didn't like. So, I tried it, and gotcha!! I really like how the cheese, chocolate, and ice cream melted on my tongue.

Since then, I love this food so badly and has been addicted to every food with a 'chococheese' on its topping. Of course it doesn't mean that I don't like any other food. I like food, I am an omnivore. I tried a lot of new foods, but this one has been the most recommended for you to enjoy :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

2010 Eruption of Merapi

          November 2010, every inch of Yogyakarta was covered by ash.  Mount Merapi whose seismic activity had been increased from mid-September started to spew hot gases and ashes, killing more than 100 people in numerous villages. An estimated 75.000 residents were evacuated from the affected area.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Letter to A Dear Writer Out There

           Hello mbak Dina, it’s really nice to have a chance to communicate with you through this letter. I have read your story and I got to admit that I immediately admire your success in dealing those problems. Don’t be sad. Don’t regret your life because what called as a life is when you must go through pain to gain. It is when you understand what happiness is after tasting the bitterness. Ah, but there is no need to define what life is because as you spend time to define, life keeps going on.

A Dialogue through the Wind

Me       : Good morning, cloud. How are you today?

Cloud  : Not awesome, girl. I got to pour rain frequently as the weather is very hot lately.

Me       : It’s good then. Why do you look sad?

Cloud  : Good? What’s good about shattering yourself into raindrops and scattered apart by the wind?

Saturday, March 2, 2013

[Creative Writing] A Little Piece of My Story

        Firstly, let me tell you that this is going to be a very long, plain and boring story with no prologue, climax nor ending.  I won’t beg you to read until the very last word, so please just click the x button right away when you find this dull and monotonous because this is an ordinary story of an ordinary girl from an ordinary family. Nothing alluring. Nothing inspiring.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wondering My Age

It is February 21st, 2013 which means only 57 days left before I turn into 20. TWENTY. Yes, TWENTY.

[Creative Writing] The First Meeting of Creative Writing Class

The first meeting met my expectation!!

Before the first meeting, I used to wonder what the class would be and what would be taught to me during the semester. I expected the Creative Writing class to be much less strained than any other classes like Research Methodology and Collective and Control, and yes it is--at least in the first meeting. I was really happy to make this blog for the class, and told to posts some kind of less-stressed academic stuffs here. However, I still have no idea how the next meetings will be because I couldn't read the course outline presented by the lecturer. It was in Microsoft Word format and the font is too small for these minus eyes T___T

[Creative Writing] Five Senses to Explore Your Idea

* Sight

              Most people will answer about tourism objects whenever they hear this question "What is your favorite place?". But to me, home is the best place in this world where I can always feeling safe and cozy. It is not a big luxurious place with red carpet welcoming me in front of the door. It is also not a heavenly peaceful place with stunning garden outside the building. My house is just simple. The white painted wall even adds the simplicity. It has a big fertile garden beside and a smaller one near the terrace. Just across the street is a garden of green bamboos. And yes, my house is in a village :)

A little piece of ...

A-yo GG! Lemme introduce myself. Here comes Bela, whoo~ follow me!! :D

                 Hello my fellas! I gotta tell you that this is not my first time blogging because I already have FIVE OTHER BLOGS that you will never know.Hahaha. Sounds freak, right?  I didn’t make those blogs for nothing of course, but they don’t give me anything as well-_-

(002) Baloon

I give you this pink balloon not to comfort you. It's just because I don't like this one.

(001) Reminiscence

Time Never Stopped